Dull Personality Type

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Find out the strongest and weakest traits of Dull Personality Type by using the Personality Selector (click the orange button below) where you can define out of 64 different positive and negative traits and discover which of the 12 personality types best suit their combination along with provided photo examples of real people.

Dull Personality Description
The Dull is a 100 percent indifferent. This is his main trait. Insolent like a horse fly. He's almost always overwhelmingly calm, extremely stupid, obsessively unserious and super lazy. His phlegmacy is his emblem. Does not hide that he's grubby even if he's ridiculed about it. Adaptable as a cockroach, he is very flexible and confident in his actions. His soul is mostly obedient, the Dull is an unsurpassed dodger and sneaker. He is very jealous and treats people in a haughty way. He barely show feelings. It will be way too much to say that he is particularly intelligent and well-mannered, serious and sedate even less. The Dull does not concentrate on being candid, nor brave. He's rarely vulgar and bootlicker. Slightly hysterical sometimes and moderately spitfire from time to time he is generally not daredevil and hesitant when looking for a benefit for yourself. Is he a gossip? Rather not, but astray and proud at all. Do not ask him to be studious for his strengths are different. The culture, modesty and sensitivity have failed to leave a mark on his character as a child and are generally unknown to the Dull Personality. Honesty is alien to its principles even though he is totally unprincipled. He does not like erudite and hardworking people, especially if they are his superiors. Neatness is a foreign word in his vocabulary. Workoholik is only in the application of his daily laziness. It will be strange to see the Dull being fast acting and generous, optimistical even less . Disobedient and joker - this is another one but not him. On the other hand he does not behave as a bore and rotter because he is not hasty and nervous. Whatever people say about the Dull no one can blame him for being a liar or a thief. However, each rule has exceptions. He is by no means scatterbrained nincompoop and therefore there is no chaos and anarchism in his thoughts and deeds. Too obsessed by himself, the Dull is neither grumpy, nor shy, nor timid. He looks with a laugh to the cowards and talkers who show unhealthy pessimism. Visitors of this site has reached it by searching: boring personality traits, test, dull personality synonym and meaning, I am boring what can I do, signs of a boring guy, I'm too quiet and boring, I have a dull personality