Melancholic Personality Type

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Find out the strongest and weakest traits of Melancholic Personality Type by using the Personality Selector (click the orange button below) where you can define out of 64 different positive and negative traits and discover which of the 12 personality types best suit their combination along with provided photo examples of real people.

Melancholic Personality Description
Indecisive, distracted, pessimistic - this is the holy trinity of "virtues" and traits possessed by the Melancholic. Rarely sensitive and phlegmatic, he is forever cowardly and shyly behaving at every subsequent encounter with the broader world. Seemingly intelligent, moderately honest, and with relatively serious character, he is obedient and lazy. Known as a scruffy nincompoop, he is no so rarely envious, angry and astray as a gravitating electron in the organic chaos of the surrounding world. Once, the love to the learning process seemed annoying to him and he decided that it is not his element. If for some people the culture is measured by the number of books read, for the Melancholic, reading at high voice of the numbers from 1 to 12 on his graduation ball was appreciated by his round-faced relatives as the top of all intellectual peaks. His upbringing consists in the nodding of neighbors when he goes to work and he keeps his modesty locked in a safe because he does not need it. It is his principle position on the matter, and that’s that. Immature, very stupid, not very shy and without being a bore, he does not behave like a rotter, and he does not even have the will to be daredevil for a second at least once in his life. At his work he is serious, almost never gossips, and pride is not known to him. When he thinks about all that the world means to him, the Melancholic does not tend to be anarchist and scrooge. What to do, adaptability and flexibility are a difficult test, which he does not want to be subjected to just to fit better in society. He is not familiar with erudition and hard-working but it is understandable that this is impossible for a man who cannot hurry, is not confident in himself and is not ready for generosity and courage. He hides his pessimism behind the mask of obedience and pretentious attitude to various petty social problems of society. In fact, deep inside, he is not indifferent but he cannot be a joker either. Vulgar men and dodgers, liars, thieves and bores repulse him, as well as bootlickers and sneakers. The lack of hastiness, nervousness and explosiveness, however, causes his family and colleagues to respect him. He never behaves supremely and is not a bastard. Visitors of this site has reached it by searching: melancholic personality strengths and weaknesses, melancholic personality disorder, melancholy personality test and careers, phlegmatic temperament, melancholic phlegmatic, temperament types and marriage, melancholy temperament definition