Obedient Personality Type

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Find out the strongest and weakest traits of Obedient Personality Type by using the Personality Selector (click the orange button below) where you can define out of 64 different positive and negative traits and discover which of the 12 personality types best suit their combination along with provided photo examples of real people.

Obedient Personality Description
The most obvious trait of the Obedient character - he is calm. You will recognize such people in the unprideful bowed down eyebrows and the obedient smile. Dull and obedient in nature, this type of people are very lazy. Everyone identifies them as a "lousy nincompoop". Astray, bootlicker and hesitant in his everyday life, he is a real grubby. Quite often he acts as a gossip. Coward is his other name. When being pressed by the circumstances, this indifferent character is a well-fitting sneaker. It is not impossible sometimes to be a joker, but rather a bore. Personally, he is unserious and with its inherent phlegmacy he is an irritating cartoon, ready to put an end to the fulfillment of every promise. Chaotic in thoughts and miser in feelings this talker is moderately shy. The obedient is not particularly flexible, exhibits brief introverted sensitivity and is principle only when he can achieve personal advantage. Generous? Oh, thus he is not! An optimist? Not at all but he's a little tricky, sometimes lying and even a thief. He is not a rotter but rarely it happens to show such a quality if somehow the fate has made him a little bit richer than the others. Whether he is oftenly distracted can be argued but is categorically concentrated in his pessimism. From time to time he is jealous of the fact that most people are not as shy as he is. No one ever calls the Obedient "smart" because he is not. It is even more unknown to him to be studious. A cultural one can be called the one who reads and teaches and our man is not one of these types. His education is at a very low level just like the inevitable lack of modesty in this case. When looking for an honest and serious person with a sedated temper, an erudite and neat, you will certainly not think of him. However, the most difficult is to define the Obedient as hard-working and never a workaholic. Antipode to any quick and confident personality, he is frank only when he is alone with himself but that is not entirely certain. When it is necessary to be brave, he is not. He is not nervous and when there is need to be calm, he is everything else but hasty and hysterical. You will, however, make a mistake if you call him vulgar, spitfire and disobedient one too. The Obedient is an example of lack of daredevil, because there is no temperament in him. Anarchist, grumpy, proud and haughty - this relates to anybody else but the Obedient. Visitors of this site has reached it by searching: obedience psychology and examples, importance of and factors affecting obedience, examples of obedience in society and in the bible