Optimist Personality Type

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Find out the strongest and weakest traits of Optimist Personality Type by using the Personality Selector (click the orange button below) where you can define out of 64 different positive and negative traits and discover which of the 12 personality types best suit their combination along with provided photo examples of real people.

Optimist Personality Description
If you are looking for an adaptable person with a calm character the Optimist will be your best choice. Flexible in solving different situations, excellently educated and very sensitive, he is the ideal friend and colleague. His character traits include honesty and innate optimism, he is a joker that fills the people around him with positivity. His soul is generous and mild. There are many good things that could be said about the Optimist. Being studious and with his honesty and principles he becomes your favorite from the moment you meet him. Hard-working is a strong feature of his but he does not want to overdo in demonstrating it. Fast and confident in himself, in most cases, a person with this type of character can manifest himself from time to time and as a bore. It happens to be astray in terms of important things in life but this does not place serious obstacles in front of him. The Optimist very rarely has the qualities of an intellectual and cultural expert. He is not too modest and does now show courage before strangers but disobedience and lie are alien to him. He does not behave like a rotter, he's almost never a talker and though he does not like to rush and act indecisively he is anything but scatterbrained, timid and shy. As the coin has two sides the Optimist also has shortcomings. First of all you cannot expect from him to be serious and sedate. He is lacking erudition because it is built on workaholism which he does not like. Neatness and good concentration are foreign to him but he is conscientious and never indifferent. However, if you get to know him well, you will understand that he can be anything but dull and obedient. Life meets us daily with bastards, burglars, thieves and dodgers but the Optimist despises such people because there is not a drop of such an unscrupulousness in him. Bootlickers and sneakers he avoids with ease because it is calm and this quality of his does not harmonize with the nervousness and the harshness of such explosive and frivolous people. Luckily for the people who love him he is not daredevil and lazy. He lacks the phlegmatism of the Melancholic and the grubby nature of the Dull one. He does not make friendship with fools and people with chaotic thoughts and anarchist moods. Acts like a miser when it comes to using bad words only and hates gossip. He is only afraid to seem too haughty before the others. The Optimist is the friend who never behaves like a grump and proud. He is able with his cheerful smile to discourage skepticism in every pessimist. Visitors of this site has reached it by searching: signs of and characteristics of an optimistic person and example, optimistic person quotes, optimism, pessimistic person, optimistic pessimistic, optimistic people