Realist Personality Type

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Find out the strongest and weakest traits of Realist Personality Type by using the Personality Selector (click the orange button below) where you can define out of 64 different positive and negative traits and discover which of the 12 personality types best suit their combination along with provided photo examples of real people.

Realist Personality Description
The character type with the most virtues is the Realist. He is extremely adaptable in situations requiring wits and understanding. He has flexible approach in solving intricate life challenges. Serious and completely honest he is sensitive and intelligent, one of his prime traits. Very well-mannered and settled, however, he is not so rarely timid. The Realist is rather studious, has a rich culture and is tidy. In most cases he is modest and honest, hardworking and asserting his principal position. He is good at concentrating on his tasks but sometimes is indecisive and shy, and though not being the greatest daredevil he is not giving easily. Falls from time to time in pessimistic moods that make him nervous. You can rarely meet an erudited realist with a character of a joker. Generosity and tranquility are not his strong features. He is mostly uncertain in himself but he does not show pride and haughtiness. His gaze is obedient but he is definitely not indifferent. In his daily communication with friends and colleagues does not behave like a bore. You must make him very angry in order to see him explode. He keeps his workplace clean and organized, it is difficult to dispel him from the pursued goal and to deceive him is almost impossible. Fear is a quality the Realist is barely familiar with. He is not a grump and realizes that in life it is best to follow the balance in things. Therefore he does not aim to be a workaholic and is not in a hurry for anywhere and for nothing. The Realist is not a foolish optimist. Like everyone of us he also meets dumb, stupid and insolent people trying to treat him fraudulently, to lie and steal from him, but he is a star standing high in the sky, which no one can smirch. Despises bootlickers, sneakers and rotters. He lacks all sorts of unseriousness, never is a daredevil and hasty, for he stands firmly on the ground. Being never lazy in his deeds he does not act with phlegmacy. For he is successful in life the Realist is often envied by various fools. He himself does not respond to such behavior because he has soul is wide and forgiving. He is not a scrooge, talker and a gossip. Visitors of this site has reached it by searching: realistic personality type jobs, social, artistic, investigative, enterprising and conventional personality type, what is a realist person like, realistic people