Unserious Personality Type

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Find out the strongest and weakest traits of Unserious Personality Type by using the Personality Selector (click the orange button below) where you can define out of 64 different positive and negative traits and discover which of the 12 personality types best suit their combination along with provided photo examples of real people.

Unserious Personality Description
The Unserious is the greatest optimist in the world. His main character trait. He is a high-class joker, frivolous, astray and obedient. That's what he is. Scatterbrained, indifferent and a talker he is a big bore. Moderately adaptable and flexible in his everyday life the Unserious is rather honest and frank with people. Dull and calm these are the things written on his face. For half of the representatives of this type of character can be said that they are rotters, lazy and indecisive. He is no so rarely chaotic in his thoughts, words and deeds. Definitely not very well mannered his threshold of sensitivity is low and modesty is not of his strong features. He is quite often a coward which explains the lack of recklessness and hastiness. He does not observe any principles but you will difficultly find an Unserious man who is a dodger, a liar and a sneaker. Definitely not generous and only from time to time you will see him as а shy. In very rare cases as an exception he behaves like a nincompoop and a gossip. You understand that such a person cannot be intelligent. There is no knowledge in him except for bullshit. He lacks the craving for any kind of cultural environment and related interests. He is not serious and therefore is not studious and hardworking. Not a coward although there is no confidence in him. He hates to call him a bootlicker. He does not know how to concentrate and does not like to hurry although he is not phlegmatic. Virtues such as sedation and erudition are alien to his nature. If you ever meet an insolent lout you must know that the Unserious type is not alike. He hates thieves and people with a hysterical and outrageous character. Not ashamed of being untidy. Submissive and calm he lacks anarchism. You will not find the smallest touch of envy, pride and haughtiness in the Unserious. If your friend is among the people with the character thus described you must be satisfied because they are not grumps, scrooge and mostly pessimist. Visitors of this site has reached it by searching: Unserious Personality Type, traits, quiz, test, in hindi, dnd