Pessimist Personality Type

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Pessimist Personality Description
It's hard in the soul of the Pessimistic Personality. He is a hundred percent pessimist, with a shy character, chaotic thoughts, and sensitive nature. He suffers from many delusions because one of his character traits is indecisiveness and is afraid to look at the challenges of life right in the eyes. Its typical distraction is most often combined with pronounced phlegmacy and pathological shyness. Very often he is daredevil particularly out of despair. When he falls in this state becomes nervous and jealous. When he feels more relaxed oftenly annoys people with his unreal problems. Most representatives of this type of character are frantic, lazy and frivolous, and when being criticized for these shortcomings they quickly become angry. Although the Pessimist feels rejected and dejected it is almost impossible his understanding of the world to pass into anarchism, explosiveness and hysteria. He is not proud. Gossips and lies are also not in his heart. He can hardly be named a rotter, nincompoop and grubby. OK, there are such people among the Pessimist ones but they are rather an exception. Too humble he cannot be vulgar and sneaky. In spite of his inherent frivolity, when needed he expresses in society his opinion which gives us no reason to call him a indifferent. The Pessimist is not a miser he gives easily what he owns but sometimes he makes it out of dullness and lack of any sedation of character. He definitely fails to adjust to the speed and flexibility that our present day demands. He does not have good breeding but he is not a talker. Last in intellect and erudition he balances with honesty and obedience. The Pessimist cannot concentrate for a long time on anything. Pressed by a pile of self-pity he does not have the strength to show haughtiness and impudence. Optimism for him is an abandoned boat swinging away away at the horizon in a sea of uncertainty. Contrary to the destiny and because this is how the world is made the Pessimist just like the Melancholic is the Clown who frankly makes the people laugh but only on the stage. He is a skillful joker but only till the curtain’s fall. The role of a bootlicker he cannot play - it is for people adaptable, bold and calm and he is not a dodger. Cultural issues make him bored considering these to be a waste of time. In performing his duties he is the last one in the line of hard workers. Visitors of this site has reached it by searching: pessimistic personality traits, type, disorder, pessimistic character traits, both optimistic and pessimistic, pessimist vs realist, being a pessimist